Brazilian Renewable Energy Market
1.Energy Generation in Brazil - 2018 scenario.
2018 year is finished with 168 GW of projects in operation which are divided in Hydroelectric Plants (UHE) with 60.6%, Thermoelectric Plants (UTE) with 25%, Wind Plants (EOL) with 8.6%, Small Hydroelectric Plants (PCH) with 3.1%, Thermonuclear Plants (UTN) with 1.2%, Photovoltaic Plants (UFV) with 1.1% and Central Hydroelectric Plants (CGH) with 0.4%, according to the regulator agency ANEEL and Union Official Diary (DOU).

It is possible to check the the evolution of the projects which started commercial operation in 2018 by clicking at the link below.
Now there are 8,980 MW of projects under construction with 3,828 MW of thermoelectric plants. The enterprises Novo Tempo GNA II from Rio de Janeiro and Porto Sergipe I from Sergipe have 2,814 MW on the total and a prediction for commercial operation in 2020 and 2021, respectively.

The country still has 10,112 MW of projects with status as Construction Not Started and 3,900 MW of this total are thermoelectric plants. The not started civil works might be projects with extinction or revocation situation which are as a low viability status or projects which are with all necessary documentation for the civil work and can be delayed or not according to the implementation schedule.

At the end of 2018 ANEEL had 2,949 projects registered as DRO, DRI or DRS (first registration of a project) and wind projects were the highest number with 1,270 followed by photovoltaic projects with 948. The thermal power plants are responsible for 38.8% of the capacity because gas power plants use turbines with large capacity such as UTE Verde Atlântico Energias in Peruíbe, São Paulo with 1,768 MW of capacity installed.

This large quantity of projects in initial stage shows how big is the brazilian market and how it continues growing up, specially for wind and solar energy. There many opportunities for investments in projects developed by important companies.
When it comes to wind turbine manufacturer, the north american General Electric is the main supplier with 3,689 MW of installed capacity of the operational enterprises in the country. If we consider Alstom wind turbines as GE, this number reaches 5,202 MW covering about 37% of the brazilian market. Gamesa is the second main supplier with 2,714 MW and they are now a joint-venture Siemens Gamesa and are responsible for 22% of the market.

In ePowerBay platform is possible to check the wind turbine rated capacity of each park, the rotor diameter and the tower height.
The wind farms in Brazil are developed by big companies and CPFL Renováveis, Casa dos Ventos and Enel Green Power are the three which have developed most of the enterprises in operation at the end of 2018. The following graphic show the 20 companies which more developed operational wind plants in the country.

All these companies have projects in other stages, with contract in hands ready to start the civil works or at a initial development so having access to this information allows investors to map the opportunities and to decrease at the decision making.
2. Wind Enterprises
In 2018 the wind source was responsible for 52 new grants with 1,481.03 MW of installed capacity in 06 states and 986 new projects with 25,520.5 MW installed capacity in 12 states.

2.1 New contracts - Wind Source

Piauí was the state with the highest new contracts emission with 510 MW followed by Rio Grande do Norte with 372.23 MW and Paraíba with 281.4 MW of capacity. Bahia (222.4 MW) and Maranhão (95 MW) complete the list of new grants.
All documents are published in brazilian DOU.
2.2 DRO Emissions - Wind Source

Bahia received 8,667 MW of capacity in DRO emissions, followed by Rio Grande do Norte with 7,406 MW. These projects have all the required documentation to participate in Tenders (Auctions) or to negotiate energy in the free market.
These new projects are daily updated in ePowerBay’s database with all legal, technical and commercial information which are released by the Mine and Energy Ministry.
2.3 Commercial Operation - Wind Source
80 new projects started commercial operation in 2018 with 2.038 GW capacity, and state of Bahia was responsible for more than 60% with 1.258 GW. The 04 largest wind plants are detailed below.

Campo Largo - 326,7 MW - Engie Brasil Energia
Campo Largo cluster is composed by 11 projects of 29,7 MW of capacity with 05 projects with Free Market Contracts and 06 projects regulated contract on 20º New Energy Tender (LEN) of 2014. It operates with GE (Alstom) ECO122-2,7MW wind turbines with 89 m of hub height and connect in 230 kV bus of SE Ourolândia II. The french company Engie Brasil Energia developed and operates this cluster.

Gentio do Ouro I - 235 MW - Omega Geração
Gentio do Ouro I cluster (303 MW) is composed by Assuruá (110,5 MW), Capoeiras III (27,5 MW), Curral de Pedras (47,5 MW), Diamante (35 MW) and Laranjeiras (82,5 MW), negotiated energy in Renewable Energy Tender (LER) of 2014 and connect at SE Gentio do Ouro I on the 230 kV bus which connects through a 230 kV transmission line in SE Irecê. Assuruá projects operate with Gamesa wind turbines except for Assuruá III which runs with GE, all the other projects operate with GE. These enterprises were developed by CER they were sold to Omega Geração in December.

Serra da Babilônia - Rio Energy - 223,25 MW
Serra da Babilônia (225,6 MW) is composed by Serra da Babilônia II, Serra da Babilônia IX, Serra da Babilônia VI, Serra da Babilônia VII, Serra da Babilônia VIII, Serra da Babilônia X, Serra da Babilônia XI and Serra da Babilônia XII all with 28.2 MW of capacity and commercialized energy at LER of 2015. This cluster is connected in SE Morro do Chapéu II, in the 230 kV bus and operates with Enercon E92-2.35MW wind turbine at 98m hub height. These projects were developed and are operated by Rio Energy.

Lagoa do Barro - Atlantic - 195 MW
Lagoa do Barro is composed by Aura Lagoa do Barro 01 (27 MW), Aura Lagoa do Barro 02 (27 MW), Aura Lagoa do Barro 03 (27 MW), Aura Lagoa do Barro 04 (27 MW), Aura Lagoa do Barro 05 (24 MW), Aura Lagoa do Barro 06 (27 MW), Aura Lagoa do Barro 07 (27 MW) and Aura Queimada Nova 03 (9 MW), they negotiated energy at LER of 2014. The projects are connected at SE São João do Piauí in 230 kV bus, operate with Acciona AW-3.0MW wind turbines at 120m hub height and were developed by Atlantic Energias Renováveis S.A.

3. Photovoltaics Enterprises
In 2018 solar photovoltaic source was responsible for 44 new grants with 1,253 MW of installed capacity in 07 different states. There was 741 new DRO emissions with 31,800 MW of installed capacity in 11 states.

3.1 New Contracts - Solar Source
Ceará and Piauí were the states with the highest capacity of new contracts signed in 2018 for solar photovoltaic source with 390 MW and 389,88 respectively.

Alex (Kroma Energia, 270 MW) and Lavras (Braselco, 120 MW) projects commercialized energy at 27º New Energy Tender (LEN) and left Ceará on top in 2018. Clusters ETESA (179.8 MW, 27º LEN) and Nova Olinda (210 MW, 07ª LER of 2015) were responsibles for the new signed contracts in Piauí.
On the search page in ePowerBay is possible to check these projects when you look for solar projects under construction in Ceará state.

3.2 DRO Emissions - Solar Source
Rio Grande do Norte state received almost 14 GW of new projects registration (DRO) followed by Bahia and Piauí.

3.3 Commercial Operation - Solar Source
In 2018 1,380 new projects were connected to the grid with 8,254.445 MW of installed capacity. In the total, 1,297 are 1 kW projects from CELPA utility. Bahia state is in first place also in photovoltaic source with 336.22 MW of installed capacity in 2018, followed by São Paulo with 150 MW and Ceará with 132 MW.
Apodi - 132 MW - Kroma/Scatec - CE
Apodi is composed by Apodi I, Apodi II, Apodi III and Apodi IV all with 33 MW commercialized energy at 08º LER of 2015 with a price of R$ 300,88/MWh. These projects are connected in SE Quixeré in 230 kV bus and were developed by Kroma Energia negotiated with Scatec Solar Brazil who has 80% of the enterprise.

In ePowerBay platform is possible to access Google Earth files with all solar projects in Brazil, with information about owners, location, technical and commercial information, prevision of commercial operation and real commercial operation date and much more.
Guaimbé - 150 MW - AES Tietê Energia - SP
Guaimbé is composed by Guaimbé 1, Guaimbé 2, Guaimbé 3, Guaimbé 4 and Guaimbé 5 with 30 MW each, they commercialized energy at 06º LER of 2014 at a price of R$ 215,95/MWh. The project is connected at SE Getulina in 138 kV bus and were developed by Grupo Cobra and negotiated with AES Tietê Energia who owns 61.5% of the enterprise.

Juazeiro Solar - 120 MW - Actis - BA
Juazeiro Solar is composed by Juazeiro Solar I, Juazeiro Solar II, Juazeiro Solar III and Juazeiro Solar IV, all with 30 MW and commercialized energy at 08º LER of 2015 at a price of R$ 301.02/MWh. The projects are connected at SE Juazeiro da Bahia II in the 230 kV bus and were developed by Sunedison and than negotiated with Actis.

By accessing the platform is possible to find all information in this present report and to use other analysis tools made for developers, investors and service providers of the renewable sector from Brazil.
The ePowerBay team follows up daily the renewable energy market in Brazil through the energy agencies ANEEL, CCEE, EPE, MME, ONS and DOU, keeping our database always updated according to technical and legal characteristics and providing information in a intuitive and dynamic way for the developers, investors and services providers.
The tools in the platform are developed according to our experience on the market and with the demand of our clients. The objective of ePowerBay is to connect the agents and provide an efficient and transparent negotiation. We believe that these resources can help the companies in the decision making and decrease the initial costs of the analysis
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